- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
SpeakApp link: https://speakapp.link/to/I-iYPA
Notes for Alberto's talk
Timing: 18 min. Will be ok once you streamline a bit what to say on each slide.
-You can spend less time on the slides on B factories and detectors.
-Don't use "they" for the Belle analysis, you are presenting on behalf of both collaborations.
Reorder the beginning of the talk:
Introduce first the physics case, then go to accelerator/detector (have the comments in the box of p.3 here and mention multipurpose high hermeticity detectors), and then the analyses.
-Add a reference for Z' mediated model.
-Add a reference to Belle II physics book.
p.7: Make the labels on the diagram larger.
-Remove "topology".
-Instead of number of input variables, rather mention the types of variables that are used.
-Add that systematic uncertainties are not important for the limits and move to p.10.
-Contrast between purple and black is not very good, maybe make it lighter (also in other pages).
-Put a proper reference.
p.14: Define SR the first time it is used.
-remove "provided"
-cut based -> cut-based
-"Main" should refer to inclusive BDT (approaches -> approach and put inside the box)
-follow the phrasing used in the paper regarding how you refer to the two approaches, e.g. "inclusive approach" and "conventional 3x1 tagging approach"
-size of training sample maybe not important to mention
-0.5 looks odd
-Remove the tau->lalpha from the main list, can mention it separately e.g. in a box on the side
Notes for Radek's talk
Timing: 18-19 min. Almost ok, just streamline a bit what you say.
-Add a bit more text on some slides to make it easier to follow especially when people pick up the slides after the conference.
-Mention the better resolution (sharper Mmin distribution) compared to Belle and BABAR -> better statistical uncertainty.
-precisions -> precision
-add a few words to make it understandable the numbers correspond to the precision of the measurements
p.7: Find a way to also add the US by adding a little map or such.
p.8: Add a few bullets to explain the different methods used in the past.
-Stress that also tracking uncertainties are important for the B factories.
-Consider removing the % numbers.
p.11: Instead of sketch on the upper left, consider pointing out that taus have a very different momentum in tau and B factories.
p.12: There is a nice sketch from BABAR. Ami will send it to Radek to replace the sketch used here.
-Add comment on resolution.
-Restart shifted to 2024.
p.14: 0.07 -> 0.06
-Should be explained more clearly (what we observe is the black and we need to go back to the red). Add some bullet points instead of the "equation" on the right.
-Add references for the plot.
-Replace plot by newer version (not preliminary) (also p.19).
-Explain where the improvements compared to earlier experiments are coming from.
-Mention mB and mD together with Upsilon(4S) line shape as sources of uncertainty.
-Do not give promises for the future.