- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
SpeakApp link: https://speakapp.link/to/I17OAA
Time of talk: 17min + 3min for questions.
Timing: 15 min. You can talk a bit more slowly and explain some points and plots a bit better.
General comments:
-Some slides are quite full -> shorten long sentences and reduce text to make slides more readable.
-Highlight better the main messages in the slides.
-Add slide numbers.
-Add logos of Belle (II) in the slides describing the analyses.
-Highlight the first analysis is a new result for this conference.
-Add "Belle" for the first two analyses -- best by putting logos for each of the 3 analyses.
-Add link to PRL paper for last result.
-Reduce to one slide, just showing (Super)KEKB and Belle (II) schematically. Add reference to previous talk at TAU that describes these.
-Show Belle and Belle II lumi plots, and make x-axis more readable and correct typos in labels. Put slide in backup.
-Explain |V_lN| (coupling).
-Point out the region of sensitivity of B-factories.
-Put number of tau pairs with acceptance.
-Reduce the text (shorten long sentences and remove some points that are less important).
-Make legend more readable. Add "Belle" or "MC" or such.
-Consider writing K^0 instead of K^0_S.
-Replace efficiency plots by plots containing data (Fig. 1) or add data plot in p.16.
-Do not need "The search method..." and the grid details.
-Specify/point to where the limits are most stringent instead of general statement.
-Slide can go to backup, just mention the main backgrounds on another slide.
-Follow up on data-MC agreement not looking very good and how to phrase this in the slides.
-Make the titles more informative to make the message more clear.
-Add label for gray bands.
-Add references for the older results (not just "link").
-Another motivation: LFV. You can add a bullet point on this. It is allowed in SM extensions but has never been observed.
-Do not need green box.
-Reduce a bit the text. Maybe add a plot from the next page, or simplify the explanation.
-Reduce a bit the text.
-Expand the slide.
-Add some perspectives for Belle II.
Either in the summary or together with the second analysis:
Mention that there is another analysis that is not covered in detail in the talk: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.121802