3:00 PM
Florian Bernlochner
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
Kerstin Tackmann
(Belle II and ATLAS (ATLAS Higgs Physics))
3:05 PM
Inc. Vub with Belle, FR with differential distributions
Lu Cao
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
3:20 PM
Incl. Vcb with Belle, FR and differential distributions
Raynette van Tonder
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
3:35 PM
Incl. b to s ll with FEI, Belle and Belle II
William Sutcliffe
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
3:50 PM
The SIMBA Project: Status of determining the SF using B to s Gamma
Kerstin Tackmann
(Belle II and ATLAS (ATLAS Higgs Physics))
4:05 PM
Theory preparations for SIMBA 2.0
Bahman Dehnadi
4:20 PM
Incl. Vub with Belle II, FEI
Maximilian Welsch
4:30 PM
CDC tracking eff. studies
Henrikas Svidras
(BELLE (BELLE Gruppe))
4:45 PM
Some ideas on FEI measurements
Markus Röhrken
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
5:00 PM
Incl. B to X tau nu with Belle, FR
Florian Bernlochner
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
5:15 PM
Belle II status and plans for Summer 2020
Florian Bernlochner
(Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))