Practice talk for FPCapri, Martina Laurenza

Kerstin Tackmann (Belle II and ATLAS (ATLAS Higgs Physics))




Detailed timing:

15:01 start of talk

15:02 start p.5

15:06 start p.11

15:13 start p.19

15:16 start p.22

15:21 start p.27

15:27 start p.32



Please clarify if the 30min are supposed to include time for questions or not. Depending on that, you can take a bit more time, or might have to shorten a bit.



Comments on the slides:


p.5: The text in the orange box is easy to miss. Make this more visible, e.g. by inlcuding it in the text.


p.6: The recorded lumi number too small, make this a bit larger, and explain the lumi plot (Run 1, shut down, Run 2) a bit if you have time



-Check the name "vanilla", it is maybe not a common name?

-Fix (missing) parentheses "(-> inv)"

-When you speak, explain what you mean by FSR properties for the different channels.


p.15: Fix placement of parentheses.


p.17: When you speak, explain the kinematic variables.



-Fix placement of parentheses.

-Add a comment that you will later also present other searches for ALPS (can be just when speaking).


p.19: Pesudo -> Pseudo



-Check how the Belle and BaBar limits compare and if needed adapt the statement (Is the statement too optimistic for Belle?).

-Define xi



-of -> by

-Check the lumi number.


p.29: When you speak, explain mES and DeltaE.


p.30: Why is the Belle limit so smooth?


p.31: A plot is missing.



-Update the lumi number.

-If there is a bit of time, add something on prospects, e.g. from the Snowmass report.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:30
      Dark sector at the B factories 30m
      Speaker: Martina Laurenza (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))