Indico: some notes: p3: * the integrated lumi. at LHCb before 2024 seems to be 10 fb^-1, according to the numbers in the figure * on the right hand side for the SuperKEKB/Belle, it is better to move the 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 to one line top at the end of "4.7x" * Gagan will move the left hand side LHCb information a little bit upper, so he could have more space in the bottom to add a few words on what Belle II could do better than LHCb p4: * Jing-Ge suggested to move the text content to the left half page, to make the CKM diagram bigger, and maybe add a correspondent relation between notations, something like alpha, beta, gamma = phi2, phi1, phi3 *** a general suggestion for all following pages: since most of the time, LHCb results and Belle/Belle II results are presented in different pages, maybe it is better to put a small logo of the experiment of the correspondent page p6-7: * (Oh, I forgot to mention this in the meeting) should it be "a SM candle"? p7: * remove the Ref. column in the table. p8: * draw arrows from the plot to the result list on the right hand side, the sin(2 beta) result written down in the bottom is a combination of two results in the list. p9: * Gagan will add legend to describe different components in the two histogram plots * maybe just say alpha/phi2 angle, instead of "the third", or "the third angle (alpha/phi2)?" p10: * A typo of double "results", one will be removed. p11: * Gagan will remove the right digram, since it will be discussed in detail in the follow slides. * Jing-Ge suggested to have something as a transition from CKM measurement (previous pages) to search for anomalies. p15: * it should be confirmed that who will present the LHCb upgrade plan p16: * Gagan will add links for Belle II and LHCb publication pages (point 2). The talk is scheduled at 15:50, 25 Oct, for a 40 min presentation. time spread in today's practice: (~31 min, OK) p1 0:28 p2 2:21 p3 3:40 p4 2:31 p5 1:36 p6 2:42 p7 2:36 p8 1:45 p9 2:55 p10 0:52 p11 1:42 p12-13 2:46 p14 2:28 p15 1:28 p16 1:15