00:37:04 Gagan Mohanty: Nothing happended — I guess, you mean to say “entirely nonresonant production” of three daughter particle? 00:42:25 Christoph Hanhart: What was meant was the absence of all final state interactions - those are not necessarily resonant. But indeed: To get pronounced structures into the Dalitz plot resonances are needed. 01:02:18 Agnes Roberts: pretty cool 01:41:23 Kirill Chilikin: Widths of the resonances with 3-body decays depend on their decay amplitudes. One has to do numeric integration at every function calculation... 01:42:15 Jonas Rademacker: @Kirill: yes, but this can be done in advance of your fit. 01:42:52 Jonas Rademacker: So you do it once (unless you vary the resonance parameters of the 3 body decays, then it will be computationally very expensive. 01:43:24 Jonas Rademacker: … in this context, there is a move towards doing amplitude fits on GPUs using CUDA or Tensorflow. 01:45:19 Gagan Mohanty: Yes, I agree with Christoph. It is the pole of Leagender’s polynomial 01:49:15 Kirill Chilikin: Indeed, I have to use explicit CPU vectorization (!$OMP SIMD), specialized GPUs are even better. 02:01:38 Jonas Rademacker: Thanks for the invite! 02:02:09 Jonas Rademacker: Bye bye!