Study Questions from Tom Browder's Belle II Physics week talk ============================================================= pg 14 (refer to information from earlier talks): - Why is D0-D0bar mixing small? - Estimate the ratio of D mixing to B mixing. - Estimate the ratio of Bd mixing to Bs mixing. pg 18: - Which of the following types of CP violation have been observed in the B system? the D system? the K system? - Indirect CP violation in mixing (deltaB=2)? - Direct CP violation in decay (deltaB=1)? - CP violation in the interference between decay and mixing (deltaB=2)? pg 23 (referring to the CKM matrix and Wolfenstein parameterization): - Which weak interaction quark couplings are complex? - Is CP violation possible with two generations of quarks? Explain. - Is Vts complex? What about Vcb? - Can weak couplings such as Vts and Vtd be measured directly in top quark decays? Is this competitive with indirect methods? pg 24 (referring to the Unitarity Triangle [UT]): - Are determinations of UT angles consistent with determinations of the sides? - Are angle determinations from loop and tree decays consistent? pg 25 (referring to the UT): - Which modes can be used to determine the interior angles? - Draw the lowest order Feynman diagrams that contribute to each mode. - Which modes can be used to determine the lengths of the sides? - Do you think the theoretical uncertainties are larger for angle or side measurements? Why? pg 26-27 (referring to the etabar-rhobar plane): - How are the y and x axes defined here? - What is epsilon(K)? Why is its band so broad? - What is Delta(Md)? Delta(Ms)? What is their ratio in terms of CKM parameters? - Why is the region for Vub a circular disk? - Where are the measurements of B->J/psi KS? Why are there two associated regions? pg 28 (referring to the time-evolution equations for B0 and B0bar): - What happens if you add the two equations? pg 30: - Why does the Upsilon(4S) state vector have a minus sign? pg 30-31: - Why do time-integrated asymmetries vanish at the 4S? - Verify the SuperKEKB beta gamma factors. pg 32 (flavor tagging): - What flavor do we have for a l+ or K+ tag? - If the b-flavor is not tagged, one cannot observe CP violation or mixing. Why? pg 37: - Explain how the "fast" pion (from B decay) and "slow" pion (from D*+ decay) can be used to tag the b-flavor in B->D*+pi-. - Draw appropriate Feynman diagrams. - Does the D meson need to be reconstructed? - If flavor tagging does not work, can one still measure a CP asymmetry in B0 decays? How about B+- decays? Explain. - Is a Delta(t) measurement required for CP violation measurements of B->J/psiKS? Why or why not? (Hint: think about time-integrated measurements).