20–27 Jul 2020
Europe/Rome timezone

How to apply

Application to the JENNIFER2 Summer School is now closed.


Original application was open to physics students from Japan or from European Union member states and associated countries. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the school is held online, enabling a second round of applicants from other countries, advertised through the memberships of the Belle II and T2K collaborations. Applications will be accepted until the end of the day of 3 July, 2020. Possible changes will be posted in this page.

By the start of the School, applicants should have completed at least 3 and not more than 4.5 years of full-time studies at the university level. Participating undergraduate students are expected to continue to a graduate physics program. Good knowledge of English is required.

If you are interested and qualify, please send a short application email to the JENNIFER2 Summer School Committee at jennifer2-school@ml.post.kek.jp, including the following:

1. A few sentences explaining your interest in the JENNIFER2 Summer School. Specifically, what do you hope to learn at the School and how might participating in the School be useful for the next step in your career. If you have not yet started your graduate studies, please also specify the physics graduate program in which you have enrolled or plan to enroll.

2. Recent CV (in english). 

3. Your latest official academic score transcript (the official university document that lists your course grades) and an informally translated copy in English if the original is not in English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

Admission decisions will be sent shortly after the deadline.