17–21 Jun 2024
Bryant Hall
US/Central timezone


Rooms have been reserved in the dorm on campus at the University of Mississippi. The cost is $49.50/night for single occupancy rooms with in-room bathrooms. Cheaper options are available and additional rooms can be reserved if needed, but reservations must be made by May 1. Please contact the organizers ASAP if you would like to reserve a room.

Note that (as is common at most US institutions), linens are not provided in the dorm rooms. You may wish to bring your own (sheets, pillow, pillowcase, towel). If you need them to be provided, please contact the organizers.

A block of rooms have also been reserved at the Inn at Ole Miss on campus. The rate is $199/night. There is a limited number of rooms, so please contact the organizers ASAP to reserve a room.

Additional hotel options are available, in addition to the thriving air bnb community in Oxford. It's a small town, so just about everything is close to campus. Many hotels have free shuttles.