The 2023 Belle II Academy will take place in Bad Kissingen (Bavaria).
Registration deadline: 05.03.2023
The German Belle II groups organize their third advanced school on flavor physics, aimed at PhD candidates and new Postdocs, with kind support of the German Ministry of Education and Research. The academy takes place in the week from Mai 22-26 at Hotel Sonnenhügel in Bad Kissingen.
The school will cover two main parts with practical exercises:
- Software Project (Christian Wessel, Giacomo de Pietro, Thomas Kuhr)
- Flavor Theory Project (Matteo Feal, Marco Rocco, Manuel Egner, Keri Vos, Florian Bernlochner)
Additionally, there will be further important topics for students and young scientists:
- All participants are invited to share their own experience in their PhD; the short-talk section 'what I wished, I knew already at the beginning of my PhD' serves for Student-Knowledge Transfer and is a good opportunity to get to know each other.
- A series of talks covering different issues and personal experience around careers in science and industry (Christian Oswald, Martin Ritter, Torben Ferber)
- An evening lecture about the hot topic of Sustainability (Valerie Lang)
- A Team-Event: Visiting the nearby vineyards and taste local vines
Organized by

Application for this event is currently open.