Topics of the Workshop about fast Realtime DAQ and Trigger Systems
The workshop will adress systems of the newest generation:
- large systems (up to millions of readout channels)
- fast DAQ Systems (from Gigabytes/s to Terabytes/s)
- high bandwidth data links (from 10G to 100G),
- high trigger rates (from kHz to MHz),
- DAQ systems with minimal latency (e.g. ZeroMQ)
We will focus on experiences with present systems and present prototype systems and will reserve ample time for imformation exchange (i.e. what works and what doesn't work).
Experiments to be covered (Status 12.12.2023)
- Alice
- Belle II
- Hades
- Neutrino experiments (SuperK, HyperK)
Topics of the Workshop about Realtime Machine Learning
The workshop will adress hardware and software aspects of implementations of neural network and similar algorithms on dedicated fast processing platforms.
- Neurotriggers
- Anomaly detection of rare signals in large data sets
- (to be extended)
Hardware platforms
- FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)
- Embedded Processors
- GPU's (with a focus on hardware-near processing)
- ARM Processors
- Microcontrollers (e.g. ATMEL, ARDUINO, EPS32)
For FPGA platforms, additional selected topics are
- Novel hardware (e.g. XILINX VERSAL)
- TDC (Time-to-Digital converter) on FPGA
- ADC (Analog-to-Digital converter) on FPGA
- Programming techniques (e.g. High Level Synthesis, DSP slices, unclocked processing)