Goal and Scope of the Workshop
Belle II will hold a hybrid mini-workshop on pyhf: fitting and statistical interpretation package used for binned templates.

In order to make this workshop as useful as possible please fill the following questionnaire before the 01.02.2023 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWSvCzH4LLTRBKp-T0NeMddp9nVwl_DIegd7bGzRqeIwhz_A/viewform?usp=sf_link.
This 1-day workshop will consists of:
- Tutorial
- 2 to 3 Belle II presentations with pyhf use
- Hands-on session
The tutorial will be given by Lukas Heinrich, one of the key developers. The workshop is organized by the German Belle II groups (FSP T09). The FSP will also sponsor the coffee breaks.

The workshop will take place at the Forschungs- & Technologiezentrum Detektorphysik (FTD) of the University of Bonn (Kreuzbergweg 26, 53115 Bonn) on 03.03.2023 in the main seminar room.

Directions by train:
The train stop is Bonn Hbf. The walk from there takes about 10 minutes.
- Leave the station on the side of the bus stop Colmantstraße (not direction city center).
- Go right and turn left at the first intersection into Meckenheimer Allee.
- Follow this street for a while and then turn right at the fourth intersection into Beringstraße.
- You are now walking directly towards the main entrance of the building.
From the ICE train station in Siegburg, you can reach Bonn central station with the STR 66 (leaves every 10 minutes on weekdays), travel time approx. 26 minutes
ZOOM Connection Details
The Workshop Zoom Link is attached to the agenda.
Participants are expected to arrange their accommodation on their own in case they arrive the night before.
Remote Participation
Remote participation will be possible; we will provide a Zoom link to all registered participants.
Wi-fi on the venue
An eduroam Wi-Fi network will be available in all the workshop.
Social Lunch
The social lunch will take place close to venue.