October 30, 2023 to November 3, 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Please send us the following information by  10 September.


Belle II members -> contact   belle-secretary@bpost.kek.jp

Non-Belle II members ->   makiko@post.kek.jp 


1. Name:
2. Expecting date of entry:
3. Expecting date of departure:
4. Nationality:
5. Airport Name:
  Dep(Your country airport name) & Arr(Narita/Haneda)
  Dep(Narita/Haneda) & Arr (Your country airport name)
6. Visit history to Japan (last 2 times)
  yyyy/mm/dd for arr(reason for visit)
  yyyy/mm/dd for dep(reason for visit)
7. Place to apply for your visa:
8. Passport copy(pdf)
Once your visa documents are ready, We will send the documents by mail. 
 ・Letter of guarantee
 ・Invitation Letter
 ・Itinerary in Japan
 ・Details of Organization