October 28, 2019 to November 1, 2019
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The Physics Week will have lectures and seminars on some of the latest topics in the Belle II physics program.

The theme topics of this year's workshop are “Time Dependent CP violation and Charm Physics”, following from last year's Physics Week on "Dark sectors and τ Physics". We will also have open sessions for contributions from any areas on theory,  contributions from other experiments, as well as a series of informal discussion sessions.

Social events include, Welcome Reception with self-introduction on Monday, Excursion to Sawara village followed by dinner on Wednesday afternoon, Informal Sessions with refreshments.

Registration fee 4000/~12000 yen (without/with excursion). Credit card payment (by PayPal) should be done before arrival (payment details will be sent by e-mail).

Invited Lecturers: 

    Alex Petrov (Wane State University)

    Yoshihide Sakai (IPMU, Tokyo University)

    Tom Browder (University of Hawaii)

    Bostjan Golob (IJS, Ljubljana)



Belle II Hands-on Exercise Lectures: 

    F. Tenchini (DESY)

    F. Abudinen (INFN, Trieste)

    J. Strube (PNNL)

    G. Casarosa (Pisa)


Discussion Leaders/Convenors: 

    Y. Yusa (Niigata University)

    G. Casarosa (INFN, Pisa)

    S. Lacaprara (INFN, Padua)


Local Organisers: 

    S. Hashimoto (Theory, KEK)

    M. Ohishi (secretary, Theory, KEK)

The main target audience are "early career researchers (Masters / PhD / Postdocs)", and we encourage theorists and those who are working on other experiments to participate. 

Registration is open. If you have any questions please contact the organisers. For logistics including payment of the registration fee, you can ask Maki Ohishi at KEK Kenkyu-honkan 304 (or PHS 4960).


Co-hosted by Belle II and KEK Theory Center

Sponsored by US-Japan project "Incubation Platform for Intensity Frontier"


Past Belle II Physics Week 

1st Belle II Physics Week (October 2018)


Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan
Registration for this event is currently open.