Workshop: Vcb exclusive
- Dean Robinson (BNL)
Workshop: Vcb exclusive
- Takashi Kaneko (KEK)
Workshop: Vcb exclusive
- Lu Cao (BELLE (BELLE Gruppe))
Review recent measurements with focus on current limitations: are we already systematically limited? how to circumvent this? Is there a Vcb dependence on parametrisation (recent measurements do not indicate so)? Dependence on truncation on BGL expansion, how to choose (eg. nested hypothesis tests)? New ideas, eg down-feed D* in D categories to measure the w spectrum
Which measurements can we provide to improve knowledge on form factors? What are the shortcomings of unfolded distributions? What can we provide beyond/along-with them? What can angular analyses add?
What are the tension: review/comparison of recent calculations by Fermilab/MILC,HPQCD,JLQCD. What are the key differences among the 3 calculations and possible origin of the tension? What's needed to identify the origin of the tension: what short-term future results/calculations are planned?