8–11 Apr 2024
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58
Europe/Berlin timezone

TDC on FPGA and application n the DAQ system of the HADES experiment

9 Apr 2024, 09:40
Room I 020 (Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58)

Room I 020

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58

Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen, Campus Naturwissenschaften, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, 35392 Giessen. The building ("old" chemistry building) is the tallest building on the campus and thus easy to recognize. Opposite you find the cafeteria "CaRe". Lecture room is on the ground level. Please use left entrace and turn left immediately. There will be signs.


Michael Traxler (FAIR Darmstadt)

Presentation materials