November 30, 2020 to December 4, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The 2020 Belle II Physics Week will be an online event open to theorists and experimentalists  (from Belle II and other experiments).

The main goals of the event are:

  • continue the B2TiP effort, discussing with experts what are the most important physics observables and what the community expects from Belle II;
  • cover in depth specific topics relevant to the Belle II physics program;
  • train young Belle II members on advanced analysis techniques;


This year's topic is Belle II first publications and amplitude analyses.


Confirmed lecturers:

  • Tim Gershon (University of Warwick)
  • Christoph Hanhart (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
  • Emilie Passemar (Indiana University)
  • Jonas Rademacker (University of Bristol)
  • Markus Roehrken (DESY)
  • Keri Vos (TU Munchen)


We will discuss the following upcoming Belle II papers:

  • Inclusive Vcb with hadronic mass moments;
  • Tau mass measurement;
  • (Belle + Belle II) phi_3;
  • Dark Higgsstrahlung;
  • Search for B+ -> K+ nu nubar.


As in the previous editions, participants will have the possibility to give a short (~10 minutes) presentation about their work (any topic, not necessarily connected to the theme of the Physics Week). If you would like to give such presentation, please submit a short abstract.


Organizers/Conveners: Florian Bernlochner, Alessandro Gaz, Kenji Inami, Emi Kou, Jim Libby, Armine Rostomyan.

Registration for this event is currently open.