November 29, 2021 to December 3, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

The 2021 Belle II Physics Week will be an hybrid (in-person and online) gathering mainly dedicated to Belle II experimentalists and with select talks from theorists and colleagues from other experiments.

All collaborators are invited to join the two hubs, Rome 3 and TIFR for in-person attendance. For all others online participation will be possible.

This year's topic is Preparing for publications with our pre-LS1 sample. The main goals of the week are:

  • continue the B2TiP effort, identifying with experts the most important physics observables and what the community expects from Belle II;
  • cover in depth specific topics relevant to the 2022-2023 Belle II physics program;
  • train young Belle II members on analysis;
  • start rebuilding much-needed social bonding among Belle II collaborators after 1.5 years of pandemic.

The week includes three days of plenary sessions on phenomenology, detectors, and benchmark analyses (Mon, Thu, and Fri) and two days (Tue and Wed) of in-person hands-on work in the Rome (hosted by Rome 3) and Mumbai (TIFR) hubs.

Confirmed speakers: Stefania Gori (Dark-sector phenomenology), Gino Isidori (quark-flavor phenomenology), Antonio Pich (tau phenomenology), Demin Zhou (Accelerator physics and SuperKEKB), Shohei Nishida (RICH detectors and TOP/ARICH), Francesco Forti (silicon detectors and VXD), Carsten Niebhur (drift chambers and CDC), Savino Longo (crystal calorimeters and ECL) Takeo Higuchi (time-dependent CPV analysis dissection), Bob Kowalewski (semileptonic analysis dissection), Denis Epifanov (tau analysis dissection), Bryan Fulsom (bottomonium spectroscopy analysis dissection) Phoebe Hamilton (Unexpected LHCb: final states with neutrals, semileptonic, inclusive, and all that), Alexey Petrov (Making a compelling flavor case for Snowmass), Daniel Greenwald (TUM- English writing for physicists).

An accelerated basf2 starterkit for newcomers not yet familiar with the Belle II software environment (and others who need a refresher..) will be organized by Francesco Tenchini in collaboration with Riccardo Manfredi and Sebastiano Raiz

Plenary lectures will be recorded. In-person hands on will be conducted independently at Rome 3 and TIFR.  Over the morning hands-on sessions, students and postdocs can give short presentations about their work, focusing on the current challenges. Discussion leaders will then initiate and supervise an horizontal discussion among participants aimed at identifying collegially promising workarounds. Afternoons will be devoted to implement or prototype those workarounds in small teams.

The Rome venue will be the Polo Formativo ​​​​(Google Maps link):
- there won't be any registration fees;
- lunches will be offered by the local organization;
- there will be a social dinner on Wed, Dec. 1st. Participation is warmly recommended. The cost of the social dinner will not be covered by the local organization and will be communicated in due time.
More information about venue and logistics is in "Venue information: Rome 3" on the left menu.

The Mumbai venue will be TIFR:
- there won't be any registration fees;
- breakfast, lunch and tea/coffee will be taken care of by the local organization;
More information about venue, logistics and academic sessions is in "Venue information: TIFR" on the left menu.
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Rome 3 organisation:
Paolo Branchini, INFN Roma Tre
Giacomo De Pietro, INFN Roma Tre
Stefania De Rosa, INFN Roma Tre
Enrico Graziani, INFN Roma Tre
Martina Laurenza, INFN Roma Tre
Antonio Passeri, INFN Roma Tre

TIFR organisation:
Gagan Mohanty, TIFR
Abdul Basith Kaliyar, TIFR
Rahul Tiwari, TIFR
Soumen Halder, TIFR
Sagar Hazra, TIFR
