2019 Belle II Physics Week

Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

Alessandro Gaz (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment)), Emi Kou (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment)), Phillip Urquijo (The University of Melbourne)

The Physics Week will have lectures and seminars on some of the latest topics in the Belle II physics program.

The theme topics of this year's workshop are “Time Dependent CP violation and Charm Physics”, following from last year's Physics Week on "Dark sectors and τ Physics". We will also have open sessions for contributions from any areas on theory,  contributions from other experiments, as well as a series of informal discussion sessions.

Social events include, Welcome Reception with self-introduction on Monday, Excursion to Sawara village followed by dinner on Wednesday afternoon, Informal Sessions with refreshments.

Registration fee 4000/~12000 yen (without/with excursion). Credit card payment (by PayPal) should be done before arrival (payment details will be sent by e-mail).

Invited Lecturers: 

    Alex Petrov (Wane State University)

    Yoshihide Sakai (IPMU, Tokyo University)

    Tom Browder (University of Hawaii)

    Bostjan Golob (IJS, Ljubljana)



Belle II Hands-on Exercise Lectures: 

    F. Tenchini (DESY)

    F. Abudinen (INFN, Trieste)

    J. Strube (PNNL)

    G. Casarosa (Pisa)


Discussion Leaders/Convenors: 

    Y. Yusa (Niigata University)

    G. Casarosa (INFN, Pisa)

    S. Lacaprara (INFN, Padua)


Local Organisers: 

    S. Hashimoto (Theory, KEK)

    M. Ohishi (secretary, Theory, KEK)

The main target audience are "early career researchers (Masters / PhD / Postdocs)", and we encourage theorists and those who are working on other experiments to participate. 

Registration is open. If you have any questions please contact the organisers. For logistics including payment of the registration fee, you can ask Maki Ohishi at KEK Kenkyu-honkan 304 (or PHS 4960).


Co-hosted by Belle II and KEK Theory Center

Sponsored by US-Japan project "Incubation Platform for Intensity Frontier"


Past Belle II Physics Week 

1st Belle II Physics Week (October 2018)


Physics Week Registration form
  • Akimasa Ishikawa
  • Alan Schwartz
  • Alberto Martini
  • Alejandro Mora Grimaldo
  • Alessandro Gaz
  • alexander kagan
  • Alexey Petrov
  • Angelo Di Canto
  • Anna Vinokurova
  • Ashish Thampi
  • Bostjan Golob
  • Colm Murphy
  • Cyrille Praz
  • Daniel Greenwald
  • Dhiraj kalita
  • Diego Tonelli
  • Dmitri Liventsev
  • Doris Yangsoo Kim
  • Emi Kou
  • Enrico Lunghi
  • Eric Lancon
  • Fernando Abudinen
  • Francesco Tenchini
  • Frank Meier
  • Gabriela Bailas
  • Giulia Casarosa
  • Giulio Dujany
  • Hanwook Bae
  • Hikaru Tanigawa
  • Irina Heinz
  • James Cochran
  • Jeremy Dalseno
  • Jingwen Li
  • Jonna Koponen
  • Karim Trabelsi
  • Keisuke Yoshihara
  • Kenji Inami
  • Kevin Flood
  • Koji Hara
  • Kokoro Maehara
  • Kospalage Suravinda Janaka Kumara
  • Kun Wan
  • Kunxian Huang
  • Leonardo Ismael Salinas
  • Leonardo Benjamin Rizzuto
  • Lukas Bierwirth
  • Makoto Takizawa
  • Manish Chahal
  • Marcel Golz
  • Marcello Campajola
  • Mario Merola
  • Markus Röhrken
  • Marxil Sanchez Garcia
  • Matthew Barrett
  • Michel Bertemes
  • Mikihiko Nakao
  • Minakshi Nayak
  • Morimitsu Tanimoto
  • Muroyama Genta
  • Noritsugu Tsuzuki
  • Paul Feichtinger
  • Pavel Krokovny
  • Peter Krizan
  • Phillip Urquijo
  • Qidong Zhou
  • Qingyuan Liu
  • Rajesh Kumar Maiti
  • Riccardo de Sangro
  • Ruth Schäfer
  • Ryogo Okubo
  • Ryohei Sugiura
  • Saurabh Sandilya
  • Seokhee Park
  • Shohei Nishida
  • Shoji Hashimoto
  • Shunki Hara
  • Slavomira Stefkova
  • Soeren Prell
  • Stefano Lacaprara
  • Sungjin Cho
  • Szymon Grzegorz Bacher
  • Taohan Li
  • Thibaud Humair
  • Thomas Browder
  • Thomas Czank
  • Todd Pedlar
  • Toru Iijima
  • Tristan Fillinger
  • Tsutomu Ishikawa
  • Umberto Tamponi
  • Vladimir Chekelian
  • Watanuki Shun
  • Yifan Jin
  • Yongkyu Kim
  • Yoshiyuki Onuki
  • Yosuke Yusa
  • Yu-Tan Chen
  • Yuma Uematsu
    • 08:30
      Registration Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 1
      Welcome/introduction Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Alessandro Gaz (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 2
      CP Violation and Charm Physics (I) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Alexey Petrov
    • 10:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 3
      Phenomenology of B -> X l+ l- Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Enrico Lunghi
    • 4
      SuperKEKB Status Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Tetsuya Kobayashi
    • 12:30
      Lunch Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 5
      Hands-on exercise: PID Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Dr Jan Strube (PNNL)
    • 15:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 6
      Charm Physics, experiment (I) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Bostjan Golob (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 7
      Self introduction Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan


      Physics Survey - Please Fill it Out. It is just for fun and to promote discussion. Results will be shown in the closing session on Friday.


    • 19:00
      Welcome reception Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

      Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

    • 8
      CP Violation and Charm Physics (II) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Alexey Petrov
    • 10:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 9
      Connections between hadron and lepton CPV Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Morimitsu Tanimoto
    • 10
      Combining measurements (from different experiments) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Diego Tonelli (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 12:30
      Lunch Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 11
      Hands-on exercise: Flavor Tagger Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Fernando Jesus Abudinen (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 15:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 12
      CP Violation in B: experiment (I) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Yoshihide Sakai (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • Informal Session: 10 minutes presentations + discussion Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

      Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

    • 13
      CP Violation and Charm Physics (III) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Alexey Petrov
    • 10:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 14
      Charm Physics, experiment (II) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Bostjan Golob (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 12:30
      Excursion Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 15
      CP Violation in B: experiment (II) Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Prof. Thomas Browder (University of Hawaii (Belle II))
    • 10:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 16
      Describing Charm time-dependent CPV in the Precision Era Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Alex Kagan
    • 12:00
      Lunch Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 17
      Hands-on exercise: vertexing Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Francesco Tenchini (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
    • 15:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 18
      Advanced methods for measuring Φ2 Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Jeremy Dalseno
    • 19
      Charm Physics at LHCb Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Angelo Di Canto (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • Informal Session Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

      Lobby of Kenkyu Honkan

    • 20
      Hands-on exercise: lifetimes Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Giulia Casarosa (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 10:30
      Break Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 21
      Tracking performance at Belle II Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Cyrille Praz (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
    • 22
      Global Analysis of CKM data Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Speaker: Phillip Urquijo (The University of Melbourne)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

    • 23
      Wrap up Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan

      Seminar Hall, 3-go-kan
