8–12 Nov 2021
MIAPP, Garching
Europe/Berlin timezone

Covid19 regulations

3G - vaccinated, recovered, tested:
Access to TUM buildings only for students, employees and visitors who have been tested negative, vaccinated, or have recovered.

We ask all participants for their understanding, that we do not conduct supervised self-testing during the meeting.


Who is considered vaccinated, recovered or tested?

Vaccinated: Asymptomatic persons who are in possession of a vaccination certificate issued to them in the sense of § 2 number 3 of the COVID-19 Protective Measures Exemption Ordinance of May 8, 2021 (SchAusnahmV – BAnz AT 8. Mai 2021 V1) are considered to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. An overview of all approved vaccines or vaccine combinations can be found on the PEI website.

Recovered: Persons recovered from COVID-19 are asymptomatic persons who are in possession of a certificate of recovery issued to them as defined in § 2 Nummer 5 SchAusnahmV.

Tested: From tested persons, written or electronic negative test evidence regarding infection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus based on

  1. A PCR test, PoC-PCR test, or test by other methods of nucleic acid amplification technique performed 48 hours or less ago; or
  2. A PoC antigen test ("rapid test") performed 24 hours or less ago,

Corona tests with certificates can be performed at Test center StudiTUM onsite Garching-Science center, located in short walking distance from the MIAPP building at Lichtenbergstraße 3.


Mandatory masks and hygiene:

Masks are still mandatory in all buildings; wearing a medical mask (surgical mask) is sufficient. The mask may be taken off at fixed sitting, standing or working places if a minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other persons is maintained. Wash your hands regularly and ventilate all rooms regularly.


Risk groups:
If you belong to one of the risk groups for severe courses defined by the Robert Koch Institute and you wish to take part in the meeting you are urged to take the necessary measures for self-protection or to refrain from participation.


Additional information
How to meet safely at TUM
