Nov 8 – 12, 2021
MIAPP, Garching
Europe/Berlin timezone

In order to cope with the high amount of data generated by the Belle II PXD its data are reduced using regions of interest. In this scheme, tracks from slow pions hitting only the inner detectors are lost from the events.

This workshop is focused on the development of another readout and reconstruction scheme where these tracks are preserved. We will discuss the physics motivation for these kinds of tracks. Based on that the workshop will cover tracking of these particles and challenges due to background tracks in the PXD. As well as identification and reconstruction of clusters created in those events and how these tasks can be implemented in the DAQ. Two days are foreseen for discussion and collaborative work on the topics discussed during the workshop.

The workshop will be held in Garching from 8-12 November 2021.

Zoom room:

Passcode: SlowPion

MIAPP, Garching
Campus of Max-Planck Society Ahornstr 85748 Garching Germany

The workshop location is only accessible providing an personal ID or passport. All participants should wear their nametag all the time and have their ID with them.

Registration for this event is currently open.