October 7, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Goal and Scope of the Workshop

The goal of the workshop is to connect interested Belle II members with outside experts, to hear of best practices and get a summary of the need of outside users of our measurements. The workshop is open for participation to all interested parties. Please simply register. 


The workshop will take place in the Aula Magna at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria (Engineering Department) of the Roma Tre University, located in Via Vito Volterra 62.

"Basilica San Paolo" along the Metro B line is the closest metro station w.r.t. the workshop venue (around 800 m, link to Google Map). The venue is also served by the bus lines 23, 170, 669, 670 and 791.

ZOOM Connection Details

You can connect to the meeting using this link.

Covid regulations

Since the 1st June 2022 proof of vaccination or the result of a CPR test (commonly referred as "green pass") are no more required to enter in Italy from EU Member States and other foreign countries. Similarly, it is no longer mandatory to show a Green Pass to access businesses and services in Italy.

Masks are still required on long-distance trains, local trasportation and busses, but the current mandates are set to expire on September 30th.


Participants are expected to arrange their accommodation on their own.


Several options are available for lunch around the workshop venue. From Monday to Friday, it will be also possible having lunch at the Roma Tre canteen (a full meal costs Euro 7.70), which is located inside the Engineering Department campus.

Remote Participation

Remote participation will be possible; we will provide a Zoom link to all registered participants. 

Wi-fi on the venue

An eduroam Wi-Fi network will be available in all the workshop areas during the entire week.

Social Dinner

The social dinner of the workshop will take place at the restaurant "Tanto pè magnà", located in Via Giustino de Jacobis, 9. It is about 20 minutes by walking from the "Basilica San Paolo" metro station: https://goo.gl/maps/qGnehMdrJDut8JRH7

The dinner will start at 20:00. On Thursday we can organize to walk there together.

Registration for this event is currently open.