29 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Nara Women's University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Participant List

33 participants

Belle II Trigger/DAQ Workshop 2022

First Name Last Name Affiliation Participation
Alberto Martini DESY Remote
Bjoern Spruck BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Chanyoung Lee Yonsei University On site
Chris Ketter BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)
Dmytro Levit BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Erfei Wang BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) Remote
Eunji Jang Chung-Ang University, Gyeongsang National University On site
HanEol Cho BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Harsh Purwar University of Hawaii (USA) - Belle II Experiment On site
Hiroto Sudo BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Ichiro Adachi KEK Remote
Katsuro Nakamura KEK Remote
Kenta Uno BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Mikhail Remnev BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) Remote
Mikihiko Nakao BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Nanae Taniguchi KEK IPNS On site
Patrick Robbe BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) Remote
Qidong Zhou BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Ryosuke Itoh BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Satoru Yamada KEK On site
Seokhee Park BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Soh Y. Suzuki KEK On site
Swagato Banerjee University of Louisville (U.S.) On site
Taichiro Koga KEK
Tak-Shun Lau IJClab (University Paris-Saclay) On site
Takuto Kunigo BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Tianping Gu BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) Remote
Vladimir Savinov BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) Remote
Yu Nakazawa BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Yun-Tsung Lai KEK IPNS On site
Yutaka Ushiroda KEK Remote
Yuuji Unno BELLE (BELLE II Experiment) On site
Yuxin Liu BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)