29 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Nara Women's University
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Joint Session

1 Dec 2022, 13:30
Nara Women's University

Nara Women's University


Joint Session: Trigger and HLT

  • Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))

Joint Session: LS2 and Beyond 1

  • Satoru Yamada (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
  • Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))

Joint Session: LS2 and Beyond 2

  • Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
  • Satoru Yamada (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))


Zoom : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82590498312?pwd=UkRzY0RnU2xOU0FHcWIwSjdneElydz09

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ryosuke Itoh (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
01/12/2022, 13:30
Karim Trabelsi (IJCLab (Orsay))
01/12/2022, 13:50
Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
01/12/2022, 14:10
Ryosuke Itoh (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
01/12/2022, 14:30
Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
01/12/2022, 14:50
Yun-Tsung Lai (Belle (SuperKEKB Experiment))
02/12/2022, 09:00
Igor Konorov (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 09:20
Nanae Taniguchi (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 09:40
Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 10:00
Satoru Yamada (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 10:50
Bjoern Spruck (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:10
Yu Nakazawa (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:20
Harsh Purwar (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:25
Kenta Uno (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:30
Mikhail Remnev (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:35
Swagato Banerjee (University of Louisville (U.S.))
02/12/2022, 11:40
Hideyuki Nakazawa (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 11:45
02/12/2022, 11:50
Qidong Zhou (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))
02/12/2022, 12:05
Harsh Purwar (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Hideyuki Nakazawa (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Kenta Uno (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Mikhail Remnev (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Swagato Banerjee (University of Louisville (U.S.)), Taichiro Koga (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Yu Nakazawa (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment))


Building timetable...