1–5 Aug 2022
ISU Physics Hall
US/Central timezone

Welcome to the 2022 Belle II Summer Workshop hosted by Iowa State. This workshop will be primarily face-to-face with a SpeakApp connection for those who are unable to attend in person.

The purpose of this workshop is to help students, postdocs, and more senior researchers get started and make progress on Belle II analyses and performance studies, either studying a physics channel or studying detector performance. It will cover physics topics, computing, and Belle II software in a hands-on tutorial format.

This workshop is open to all Belle II collaborators and we welcome attendance from across the collaboration.

Links to previous iterations of the Belle II Summer Workshop/School:

2021 Belle II Summer Workshop at Virginia Tech

2020 Belle II Summer Workshop at the University of Hawai'i

2019 Belle II Summer School at Brookhaven National Laboratory

2018 Belle II Summer School at the University of Cincinnati

2017 Belle II Summer School at the University of Mississippi

ISU Physics Hall
Room #3