FSP Workshop (online): Long-lived particles at Belle II

Susanne Westhoff (University Heidelberg), Torben Ferber (DESY)

The goal of the workshop is to bring together experimentalist and theorists to discuss new ideas for searches at Belle II that involve long-lived particles. The workshop is organized in the context of the “Forschungsschwerpunk Belle II (FSP T09 Belle II)” in Germany, but we invite every interested person to join! Due to the current covid-19 related travel restrictions, this will be a purely online event via Zoom: https://desy.zoom.us/j/94098584828 (Passcode: 471873)

Session Chairs: 
Thursday session 1: Susanne Westhoff
Thursday session 2: Abi Soffer
Friday session 1: Laura Lopez Honorez
Friday session 2: Nastya Filimonova

Discussion Leaders Thursday:
Martino Borsato and Brian Shuve

  • Abner Soffer
  • Abtin Narimani Charan
  • Ahmed Ali
  • Akimasa Ishikawa
  • Aliaksei Kachanovich
  • Anastasiia Filimonova
  • Anil Panta
  • Anja Novosel
  • Belen Gavela
  • Bianca Scavino
  • Brian Shuve
  • Caspar Schmitt
  • christophe grojean
  • Christopher Hearty
  • Concettina Sfienti
  • Elias Bernreuther
  • Emilie Bertholet
  • Enrico Graziani
  • Florian Bernlochner
  • Gagan Mohanty
  • Giacomo De Pietro
  • Guglielmo De Nardo
  • Isak Stomberg
  • Janis McKenna
  • Jhang Hyeonja
  • Jing-Ge Shiu
  • Jure Zupan
  • Kai Lukas Unger
  • Kai Schmidt-Hoberg
  • Karim Trabelsi
  • Katharina Dort
  • Kyrylo Bondarenko
  • Lara Grabitz
  • Lisa Benato
  • Marcello Campajola
  • Markus Prim
  • Martino Borsato
  • Matthias Hoek
  • Michel Bertemes
  • Michele Tammaro
  • Minakshi Nayak
  • Nicolas Neill
  • Nikita Blinov
  • Ori Fogel
  • Pablo Goldenzweig
  • Patrick Ecker
  • Rajesh Kumar Maiti
  • Ruth Schäfer
  • Sam Cunliffe
  • Sascha Dreyer
  • Savino Longo
  • Sebastian Bruggisser
  • Shohei Nishida
  • Simranpreet Kaur
  • Steffen Baehr
  • Stella Wermuth
  • Steven Robertson
  • Susanne Westhoff
  • Taichiro Koga
  • Tim Tuschen
  • Tommy Lam
  • Torben Ferber
  • Umberto Tamponi
  • William Jacobs
  • Wolfgang Hollik
  • Yubo Li
  • Zeren Simon Wang