2023 Belle II Physics Week

Kobayashi Hall (KEK)

Kobayashi Hall


James Frederick Libby (BELLE (BELLE II Experiment)), Mirco Dorigo (INFN Trieste)

The 2023 Belle II Physics Week will be in-person gathering intended to foster open discussion among Belle II experimentalists and theory experts. 


All collaborators are invited to join KEK for in-person attendance. 


The week will consist of two parts: 


- Mornings: a school for PhD students and early postdocs with general pedagogical lectures about aspects of Belle II and flavour physics. It will include plenary sessions on phenomenology, detectors, and benchmark analyses along with in-person hands-on work. Plenary lectures will be recorded. In-person hands-on will be conducted on-site. Online participation will be also possible.


 - Afternoons: a workshop, this is the first in a series of workshops focusing on special topics at the interface of theory and experiment that are priorities for the Belle II program. 


This year the workshop is on precision |Vcb| measurements at Belle II. 


We’d like to openly take on challenges, issues and opportunities at Belle II to generate a program of prioritised measurements/studies to advance the knowledge of this fundamental parameter in the next 3 years. 


A generous amount of discussion time is allotted to each talk in the program, which also includes extensive break out sessions.

In this spirit, participation to the workshop is intended to be only in person to maximize the interactions and discussion.


The workshop's discussions and conclusions will be documented in a short KEK report. 


Organization committee: L. Cao, M. Dorigo, S. Hashimoto, T. Iijima, T. Kaneko, J. Libby, R. Mandal, D. Robinson, D. Tonelli, K. Trabelsi.


Confirmed speakers include: Luiz Vale Silva, Bob Kowalewski, Zoltan Ligeti, Markus Prim, Alejandro Vaquero, Florian Bernlochner, Jim Libby, Daniel Dorner, Kenta Uno, Matteo Fael, Judd Harrison, Marco Fedele, Marzia Bordone, Lu Cao, Lopamudra Mukherjee, Phill Urquijo, Keri Vos, Michele Papucci, Paolo Gambino. 


 - The registration fee will be 8,000 JPY covering coffee breaks and a social dinner on Tuesday. For those who does not join the social dinner, a reduced registration fee of 2,500 JPY will be applied. An invoice from PayPal will be sent to registrants' email address, according to the information given at the registration.


- There will be a social dinner on Tuesday, October 31st. Participation is warmly recommended.


Further details about logistics can be found in 'Transportation' and 'Accommodation' sections on the left menu. 

  • Alejandro Vaquero Avilés-Casco
  • Alessandro Gaz
  • Aman Pavan Salikar
  • Andre Hao Yuan Huang
  • Anja Novosel
  • Anthony Craig Little
  • Bruce Yabsley
  • Cameron Cooper Harris
  • Carlos Lizama
  • Carlos Marinas
  • Cheolhun Kim
  • Chia-Ling Hsu
  • Claudia Cecchi
  • Clotilde Lemettais
  • Corentin Santos
  • Daichi Ide
  • Daniel Dorner
  • Daniel Greenwald
  • Daniel Marcantonio
  • Dean Robinson
  • Debjit Ghosh
  • Dey sdey Sourav
  • Diego Tonelli
  • Dmytro Meleshko
  • Eunji Jang
  • Farah Mawas
  • Felix Keil
  • Felix Metzner
  • Florian Bernlochner
  • Foteini Trantou
  • Gaetano de Marino
  • Giacomo De Pietro
  • Giovanni Gaudino
  • HanEol Cho
  • Hanwook Bae
  • Hazaravard Ghumaryan
  • Horacio Crotte Ledesma
  • Iijima Toru
  • Isabelle Ripp-Baudot
  • James Frederick Libby
  • Jaroslaw Wiechczynski
  • Jerome Baudot
  • Jihun An
  • Johan Andres Colorado
  • Jordan Correa
  • Judd Harrison
  • Justin Skorupa
  • Karim Trabelsi
  • Karol Adamczyk
  • Katsuro Nakamura
  • Kenta Uno
  • Kevin Varvell
  • Kimberley Keri Vos
  • Kodai Matsuoka
  • Koji Hara
  • Kookhyun Kang
  • Longke Li
  • Lopamudra Mukherjee
  • Lu Cao
  • Ludovico Massaccesi
  • Luiz Vale Silva
  • Marcel Hohmann
  • Marcela Garcia
  • Marco Fedele
  • Mario Merola
  • Markus Prim
  • Martin Sobotzik
  • Marzia Bordone
  • Mateusz Kaleta
  • Matteo Fael
  • Meihong Liu
  • Michel Bertemes
  • Michele Aversano
  • Michele Mantovano
  • Michele Papucci
  • Michele Veronesi
  • Mikihiko Nakao
  • Mirco Dorigo
  • Murad Yasaveev
  • Naveen Baghel
  • Niharika Rout
  • Noah Brenny
  • Paolo Gambino
  • Patrick Owen
  • Paul Feichtinger
  • Philipp Horak
  • Priyanka Cheema
  • Quinn Campagna
  • Renu Garg
  • Riccardo Manfredi
  • Robert Kowalewski
  • Rusa Mandal
  • Sayan Mitra
  • Sebastiano Raiz
  • Seokhee Park
  • Shanette Anne De La Motte
  • Shigemi Ohta
  • Shohei Nishida
  • Shoji Hashimoto
  • Soeren Prell
  • Stefan Wallner
  • Stefano Lacaprara
  • Stefano Moneta
  • Steven Robertson
  • Tadeas Bilka
  • Takashi Kaneko
  • Thomas Browder
  • Tommy Lam
  • Tristan Fillinger
  • Umberto Tamponi
  • Valerio Bertacchi
  • Vismaya V S
  • Volodymyr Aushev
  • Xiaodong Shi
  • Xinyu Shan
  • Yifan Jin
  • Yo Sato
  • YongHeon Ahn
  • Yoshiyuki Onuki
  • Yu Nakazawa
  • Yubo Han
  • Zoltan Ligeti