Belle II Trigger/DAQ Workshop 2022

Nara Women's University

Nara Women's University


The annual Belle II Trigger/DAQ workshop has been resumed.

The workshop is held in a hybrid-style with both face-to-face and remote connection. Under the still on-going CoViD-19 situation, the on-site participation in the workshop is limited up to 30 persons and thus by-invitation only. If you are interested in the on-site participation, please contact TRG/DAQ leaders.

The main topic of the workshop is to discuss the possible improvement and development for "Long Shutdown 2(LS2)" and beyond. The discussion includes the application of machine learning for the automatic optimization of TRG/DAQ condition in beam, and the approach for the triggerless DAQ


  • Alberto Martini
  • Bjoern Spruck
  • Chanyoung Lee
  • Chris Ketter
  • Dmytro Levit
  • Erfei Wang
  • Eunji Jang
  • HanEol Cho
  • Harsh Purwar
  • Hiroto Sudo
  • Ichiro Adachi
  • Katsuro Nakamura
  • Kenta Uno
  • Mikhail Remnev
  • Mikihiko Nakao
  • Nanae Taniguchi
  • Patrick Robbe
  • Qidong Zhou
  • Ryosuke Itoh
  • Satoru Yamada
  • Seokhee Park
  • Soh Y. Suzuki
  • Swagato Banerjee
  • Taichiro Koga
  • Tak-Shun Lau
  • Takuto Kunigo
  • Tianping Gu
  • Vladimir Savinov
  • Yu Nakazawa
  • Yun-Tsung Lai
  • Yutaka Ushiroda
  • Yuuji Unno
  • Yuxin Liu